Create a Powerful Landing Page that Generates Leads

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Most web developers place a high priority on having visitors view a particular page or site. While search engine optimization and other means of site traffic are definitely important, they’re no substitute for an attractive and effective landing page. Below are three simple, yet effective ways to increase the chances of visitors converting into a qualified lead interested in becoming a new customers of your products or services.

Choose a Target Demographic

It’s important to understand who’s the primary audience. This should be one of the first steps. By doing so, it can help determine which keywords and images the web designer will incorporate throughout the landing page. If the company has been in operation for a few years, look at the sale statistics to discover about the information users are interested in and any patterns that may exist. For new companies, intense research and analysis of competitors will aid in choosing a target audience. For websites, Google Analytics is a great way to see specific page statistics and view keywords visitors are using to find the page.

Evaluate the Page

Keep in mind, most users want the information instantly, if not, they will become impatient.  As we all know, when a user clicks on a page, they expect the page to load within seconds or instantly. Now, if the page loads S-L-O-W-L-Y, (I’m saying this in my deep slow voice) then they’ll probably leave your site and visit a competitor’s website out of plain frustration. This can be a serious problem. If there is concern about the overall speed of a page or site, you can easily see how quickly they load by using the Pingdom Website Speed Test.

You’ll want to keep the landing page free-from animations, distracting graphics and other large files that can delay the load time. This is particularly important for businesses who want to reach visitors using Smartphones or tablets to browse the internet. As you know, internet connection on some Smartphones can be weak and sites that are overly cluttered will fail to load, thus failing to generate customers.

Make the Page User Friendly

Plain and simple! For example, if the goal of the page is to gain subscribers, then the subscription process should only involve two or three simple clicks. Another example is for an eCommerce site, the visibility of the shopping cart should be up front and center. eCommerce websites should also provide numerous payment options.

Applying these simple tips will make a dramatic positive difference in a page’s performance. A site that targets the right market, is easy to use and can be quickly loaded by any internet user is sure to get not only a lot of traffic but also a lot of sales.

The above information should provide a general direction in how to produce more leads. Contact Alter Imaging today and request a proposal  to learn how Alter Imaging can improve your website and generate more leads.