
Video, Infographics & Millennials

Visual storytelling depends on talented use of graphic designs, photos, infographics, and video. While great content is extremely significant, adding something visual enhances it, making it more aesthetically pleasing and meaningful to your viewers. It needs to catch the consumers’ interest and make a quick, positive impression in a micro-moment. We use YouTube for tutorials, […]

Stop Asking if SEO is Dead

SEO has been on the receiving end of numerous death claims for years now. To some, SEO is nothing more than an outdated tactic; a once relevant practice now consumed and overcome by a myriad of other “more important” digital strategies. To others, SEO is still very much alive; an ever-advancing product of its own […]

Content Marketing for Success

This post is going to upset some people. That’s because content marketing is the buzz word of the day, used in every pitch, blog, and social post marketing companies put out. With every online marketer and advertising agency screaming at the top of their lungs “Content is King… Content is King!!” it may come as […]


Differentiation Online: Just Do It

Differentiation is a big word with a simple meaning; stand out! Businesses recognize the need to stand out as they go head to head with their competition every day, but often they lose sight of this concept when it comes to online marketing. Cultivating a sustainable competitive advantage means nothing if potential customers know nothing about it. […]

Countdown to 2016 Success

  As the new year approaches, many business owners are wondering how they can leverage digital marketing for 2016. Most business owners understand the need for digital marketing, but lack the understanding of which route to take. To help, we are counting down to 2016 with 10 online marketing strategies, tips, and industry recommendations to […]


Photos and Some of the Things You Should Consider Online

When you want to show off your favorite pictures on social media, using image editing tools to get the images ready for sharing is fun. There are many applications available to store, edit and share you images on the internet. Costs vary, but most applications are free or inexpensive to use, at least in the […]

Ways to Boost Blog Traffic!

If you’re going to write a blog, then make it have an impact. The goal is to drive people to your site. Create helpful or entertaining content that identifies you as an authority and you’ll gain a following. Sounds easy? Follow these tips and make sure your blog is all it can be. Write on […]

5 Ways to Create Great Blog Ideas

Most companies have heard about the importance of keeping a blog on their website. The blog offers the opportunity to communicate and develop a relationship with potential clients, keep the websites fresh, and showcase industry knowledge. Coming up with regular topics and blog posts, however, can be easier said than done. Here are five techniques […]

Seven Tips for Effective Blogging

Social media outlets, such as Facebook and Twitter, have become a primary avenue in distributing information quickly and effectively. At any moment, we can gather information on what’s going on around us. Yet, there is another way that information is being created and distributed daily…through blogs. There are no rules on how to blog, but […]